Preschool Promise Application Process

How do I apply for the Preschool Promise (PSP) program?
The South-Central Early Learning Hub is responsible for coordinating enrollment for the Preschool Promise classrooms in Douglas, Klamath and Lake Counties with a few exceptions.  To apply for Preschool Promise, visit our online enrollment portal.

What do I need to provide when I apply?
You will need to provide proof of residence, income, and your child’s birthdate.

Can I Get Help Completing the PSP Application?
If you need help completing the application, please call the South-Central Early Learning Hub at 541-957-4809





The Preschool Promise Program is a high-quality, publicly funded, preschool program that serves children ages three (3) and four (4) in families living at or below 200% of the Federal Poverty Level, children in foster care, and children from other historically underserved populations. The Preschool Promise Program is delivered in a variety of settings including centers, homes, and schools.

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