Career and College Pathways for High School Students
A statewide math program will prepare students for careers or college that includes pathways to meet the needs of the students.
Key Benefits
Supports workforce and college pathways
Promotes the usefulness of math
Boosts critical-thinking skills
Provides a solid foundation of mathematical concepts
Benefits all students
Proposed Pathways
Ninth grade – Algebra |
Tenth grade – Geometry and data science |
Eleventh grade – Students choose math courses that fit their future plans |
Twelfth grade – Math is optional depending on students’ future plans |
Frequently Asked Questions – FAQs
- Why is the math program changing?
In October 2021, the Oregon Department of Education (ODE) adopted new state math standards.
Will my child be able to use this math after high school?
Yes! The changes to high school math are more aligned with real-world math. Industry is looking for problem solvers who can apply the skills they have been taught.
- Will the standard be high enough to get into college?
The number of standards for high school have been streamlined to provide a solid foundation of math skills. From there, students will differentiate into courses that fit their interests, allowing them to learn the math they need. If a student wants to advance in math, they can take more advanced courses their junior and senior years.
- How will current classes flow into the new system?
Most high schools will be continuing with algebra in the ninth grade but moving to geometry and data science. From there students will be able to move into a variety of next step math courses.
- How will my TAG/special needs student be served in this system?
The mathways will allow students to take the courses that best fit their individual needs.TAG students can still advance to Calculus or Statistics during their senior year. Students on an IEP will be accommodated as their IEP states.
Additional resources:
Oregon Department of Education Mathematics Standards:
Do you have questions?