Behavior Services


Our Behavior Services Coordinator is available to all districts and assists with professional Development around the district’s behavior support system. Training for teachers, instructional assistants and at times lunchroom staff can help a district implement a positive behavior system throughout the district. Our Behavior Systems Specialist also provides a link with Compass Behavioral Health. This provides school districts with a needed linkage to mental health system and programs to support students that may be external to the district. The Behavior Interventionist spends time weekly in each district that contracts for this service with the goal of helping districts with classroom and student specific issues that may impede learning. Using the districts’ positive behavior system, the interventionist may work with the classroom teacher, principal, student, family or other agencies to help students succeed. Fully licensed with experience in schools, behavior interventionists may assist districts in learning to complete functional behavioral assessments, and behavior intervention plans or support a family that is trying to access mental health or other support agencies.

Kirsta Colley

Director of Behavioral Health Services|541-440-4781